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Deep Purple • Smoke On The Water

Deep Purple • Smoke On The Water  bookA stream of research material telling the story and development of arguably the most famous rock song of all time. Beginning with the first sessions, the book ranges far and wide across all aspects of the way the song has been handled and treated over the years, right up to the inclusion of the riff on electric play-along kids guitars today. It also detours along many different avenues in a way which is a little hard to describe, but hopefully readers will find both informative and entertaining.

Beware though, it's a long one, over 150,000 words and counting... Will we learn the real answer to how many times the band have played it? You bet! Mainly a text book, but with some rare unpublished images from the recording sessions.

Here is the link to the publisher's site:  easyontheeyebooks.wordpress.com